Register 6 Seats Remaining
We welcome anyone with a disability who has a desire to make friends, learn, and read - regardless of their current reading ability!
The Next Chapter Book Club is an opportunity for teens and adults with disabilities to read, learn, make friends, and enjoy a fun gathering of their peers. All reading will take place during our monthly meetings, and anyone can participate regardless of their reading or ability level.
NCBC members improve literacy skills, make friends, and have fun doing it! For more information, check out their website at
EVENT TYPE: | Life Skills | Book Club |
The Orange Branch Library is located in Orange Township just north of the township's fire station, park and pool. At 33,000 square feet, this branch has a drive-up book drop and drive through pick-up window, along with many other special sustainable building features. The building also houses our Outreach Services Department and the Imagination Garden.
DCDL welcomes all people to our programs and events. If you require ASL interpretation or other reasonable accommodations, please contact us at